Source code for irfpy.jdc.fov0

''' JDC fov module.

As of I know only little on JDC, I made this module for a draft use.
Thus, I added ``0`` in the trail of the module.

FOV 90x360 for each sensor with resolution of 5.5x19.5 means
the 16x16 separation, as a maximum, while I doubt such high number
of bins.  But for the draft purpose, I just implement following the
number. The implementation will be changed as the sensor design progresses.
import numpy as np

[docs]def elev_pix_center(nel): r''' Elevation pixel center in degrees. The JDC has two units. Number definition is, preliminary, 0 to 15 for JDC on nadir unit and 16 to 31 for zenith. Ch-0 corresponds to the nadir-looking and 31 for zenith looking. The definition of angle, :math:`\theta` is 0 for zenith looking and 180 is nadir looking. Thus, the expression is .. math:: \theta = (180. / 32.) * (31 - nel) + (180. / 64.) Note that the ``nel`` is usually ``int`` or ``np.array`` with ````, but ``float`` may be allowed for special use. :param nel: Number of elevation. 0 to 31. :type nel: ``int``, ``float`` or ``np.array``. :return: The elevation angle. :rtype: ``np.array`` >>> print(elev_pix_center(0)) 177.1875 >>> print(elev_pix_center(8)) 132.1875 >>> print(elev_pix_center(31)) 2.8125 >>> print(elev_pix_center([31, 23, 0])) [ 2.8125 47.8125 177.1875] Note also that the returned type is np.array object, even the given parameter is a scalar. In this case, np.array object with shape ``()`` is returned. >>> print(elev_pix_center(8).shape) () ''' return (180. / 32.) * (31.5 - np.array(nel))
[docs]def elev_pix_fwhm(nel): ''' Return the FWHM For draft, I just return 5.5 for simplicity. ''' return 5.5 + np.zeros_like(nel)
[docs]def azim_pix_center(naz): r''' Return the azimuthal angle for the given channel number(s). Similar to :meth:`elev_pix_center`, the azimuthal angle, :math:`\phi` is returned. .. math:: \phi = naz * 22.5 + 11.25 >>> print(azim_pix_center(0)) 11.25 >>> print(azim_pix_center(15)) 348.75 >>> print(azim_pix_center([6, 7, 8])) [146.25 168.75 191.25] ''' return np.array(naz) * 22.5 + 11.25
[docs]def azim_pix_fwhm(naz): ''' Return the FWHM For draft, I just return 19.5 for simplicity. ''' return 19.5 + np.zeros_like(naz)
import unittest import doctest
[docs]def doctests(): return unittest.TestSuite(( doctest.DocTestSuite(), ))
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(defaultTest='doctests')