
Depending modules

The irfpy.ica module depends on third party modules. These must be installed independently, preferably before:

  • h5py

  • hdf5storage

  • deepdish

Please install them manually, e.g. if you are using anaconda by:

conda install h5py
conda install -c conda-forge hdf5storage
conda install -c conda-forge deepdish

Note the use of pip instead of conda for the two packages hdf5storage and deepdish (conda does not know these packages or does not have the required platform builds).

Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib and sympy

A commonly used numerical and graphic libraries should be installed.

  • numpy

  • scipy

  • matplotlib

  • sympy

The build of the above four libraries are sometimes not simple. I recommend to install them from an OS-level packaging system.

irfpy.ica installation

The latest stable version of irfpy.ica can be installed using:

pip install --no-index --find-links= irfpy.ica

If you want to work with the development version you can install it like this as the module is setuptools compatible :

git clone ""
cd ica
git checkout develop
git pull
pip install .

If the development version changed with or without version number increase you can do:

git pull
pip install . --force

This will get the new version installed.


Main author is Martin Wieser (Swedish Institute of Space Physics).