Source code for irfpy.ica.spice_class

# -*-coding:utf-8 -*

A wrapper class handling Rosetta SPICE ancillary data. RPC-ICA specific.

To create one object::

    SPICESet = ICASPICEData(dates, additionnalPath='/<bli>/<bla>/ICAPy/')	## (Absolute) path to the ICAPy directory.

    SPICESet.initTimeDt('20141128' ,'20141204' , N=1000)	## Initialize time from date 1 to date 2 with 1000 points.

    SPICESet.timeDt = ICADataSet.timeDtScan	## Synchronizes the SPICE data with ICA data (here FOVs).


additionnalPath (default ’’)    Where SPICE related files can be found (metakernel, kernels themselves, 3D nucleus shape optionally, etc)
metakernelFile (default ‘ros_kernels_3dtool.txt’)    The name of the metakernel file (not the path).




from irfpy.ica.modules import *
import as icaT

#import spiceypy as spice

    import SpiceyPy as spice
except ImportError:
    import spiceypy as spice

[docs]class SPICEClass: def __init__(self, additionnalPath=rcSPICEPath, metakernelFile='ros_kernels_3dtool.txt'): print('\nSPICEClass________________________________________________________________\n') if additionnalPath[-1] == '/': self.additionnalPath = additionnalPath else: self.additionnalPath = additionnalPath + '/' self.metakernelFile = metakernelFile spice.furnsh(self.additionnalPath + self.metakernelFile) if spice.failed(): sys.exit('\nUnable to load metakernel. Game over.\n') # Date format. This is the master vector: everything will be initialized # according to this one. self.timeDt = None # Can be either directly specified by the user (to sync SPICE informations with actual data) # or using the self.initTimeDt(t1,t2,N) (see bellow). self.timeET = None self.sunElev = None # RADIAN. self.sunAzim = None # RADIAN. self.cometElev = None # RADIAN. self.cometAzim = None # RADIAN. # Expressed in the ICA reference frame (Xsc = Xica, Ysc = Zica, Zsc = -Yica). self.sunDirection_ICA = None self.cometDirection_ICA = None # Expressed in CSEQ reference frame. For the sun, only for checking purposes.. self.sunDirection_CSEQ = None self.cometDirection_CSEQ = None self.phySA = None # Solar array angle. RADIAN. self.distanceSun = None # Helio centrique distance. Initialised in ICASPICEData.initEphemSunJ2000() self.AU = 149597871. # Astronomical unit in km. self.ephem_Ros_Chu_Chu = None # Ros seen by Chu in Chu-FIXED. self.ephem_Ros_Chu_J2000 = None # Ros seen by Chu in J2000. self.ephem_Sun_Chu_J2000 = None # Sun seen by Chu in J2000. self.ephem_Ros_Sun_J2000 = None # Ros seen by Sun in J2000. self.ephem_Chu_Sun_J2000 = None # Chu seen by Sun in J2000. self.ephem_Ear_Sun_J2000 = None # Earth seen by Sun in J2000. self.ephem_Mar_Sun_J2000 = None # Mars seen by Sun in J2000. self.ephem_Ros_Chu_CSO = None # Ros seen by Chu in CSO, initialized in initEphemCSO. self.ephem_Sun_Chu_CSO = None # Check purpose. # Radius, longitude and lattitude in CSO, initialized in initEphemCSO. self.radLonLat_CSO = None self.ephem_Ros_Chu_CSEQ = None # Ros seen by Chu in CSEq, initialized in initEphemCSEQ. self.ephem_Ros_Sun_CSEQ = None # Ros seen by Sun in CSEq, initialized in initEphemCSEQ. self.ephem_Ros_Chu_CK = None # Ros seen by Sun in C-G_FIXED, initialized in initEphemFIXED. # Radius, longitude and lattitude in CSEQ, initialized in initEphemCSEQ. self.radLonLat_CSEQ = None self.radLonLat_CK = None self.rotate_CSEQ_ICA = None # Rotation matrix --FROM-- CSEQ --TO-- ICA . self.rotate_ICA_CSEQ = None # Rotation matrix --FROM-- ICA --TO-- CSEQ . self.rotate_SC_CSEQ = None # Rotation matrix --FROM-- SC --TO-- CSEQ . self.rotate_CSEQ_SC = None # Rotation matrix --FROM-- CSEQ --TO-- SC . self.rotate_ICA_CK = None # Rotation matrix --FROM-- ICA --TO-- FIXED . self.rotate_CK_ICA = None # Rotation matrix --FROM-- FIXED --TO-- ICA . ########################################################################## ########################################################################## ## # From '' ## # rotate is the matrix that transforms position vectors from the # reference frame `from' to the frame `to' at epoch `et'. # If (x, y, z) is a position relative to the frame `from' # then the vector ( x', y', z') is the same position # relative to the frame `to' at epoch `et'. Here the # vector ( x', y', z' ) is defined by the equation: ## # - - - - - - # | x' | | | | x | # | y' | = | rotate | | y | # | z' | | | | z | # - - - - - - ## ########################################################################## ##########################################################################
[docs] def unloadAll(self): r''' Unload all kernels.''' spice.unload(self.additionnalPath + self.metakernelFile) spice.unload('/Users/etiennebehar/Documents/Rosetta/Data/SPICE/kernels/fk/ROS_V26.TF')
[docs] def reloadMetaKernel(self): r''' Re-load the modified metakernel. Test for performance. ''' spice.furnsh(self.additionnalPath + self.metakernelFile) if spice.failed(): sys.exit('\nUnable to load metakernel. Game over.\n')
[docs] def initTimeDt(self, t1, t2, N=100): r''' Initialize ICASPICEData.timeDt with t1: 'yyyymmdd' , t2: 'yyyymmdd' , N: number of points. ''' t1 =[:4]), int(t1[4:6]), int(t1[6:8])).toordinal() t2 =[:4]), int(t2[4:6]), int(t2[6:8])).toordinal() tt = np.linspace(t1, t2, N) self.timeDt = np.array(num2date(tt))
# def initEphemChuCK(self): # r''' Initialize ephemeris in the comet-FIXED reference frame, according to ICASPICEData.timeDt . ''' # self.timeET = self.dtToET(self.timeDt) # self.ephem_Ros_Chu_Chu = np.array([spice.spkezr('-226', t, '67P/C-G_CK', 'None', '1000012')[0][:3] for t in self.timeET]).T # SC seen by Chury in Chury FIXED frame
[docs] def initEphemChuJ2000(self): r''' Initialize ephemeris in J2000 centered on 67P, according to ICASPICEData.timeDt . ''' self.timeET = self.dtToET(self.timeDt) self.ephem_Ros_Chu_J2000 = np.array([spice.spkezr( '-226', t, 'J2000', 'None', '1000012')[0][:3] for t in self.timeET]).T # SC seen by Chury in J2000 self.ephem_Sun_Chu_J2000 = np.array([spice.spkezr('SUN', t, 'J2000', 'None', '1000012')[0][:3] for t in self.timeET]).T # Sun seen by Chury in J2000
[docs] def initEphemSunJ2000(self): r''' Initialize ephemeris in J2000 centered on the Sun, according to ICASPICEData.timeDt . ''' self.timeET = self.dtToET(self.timeDt) # self.ephem_Ros_Sun_J2000 = np.array([spice.spkezr( # '-226', t, 'J2000', 'None', 'SUN')[0][:3] for t in self.timeET]).T # SC seen by the Sun in J2000 # self.distanceSun = np.array([spice.reclat(v)[0] # for v in self.ephem_Ros_Sun_J2000.T]).T / self.AU self.ephem_Chu_Sun_J2000 = np.array([spice.spkezr('1000012', t, 'J2000', 'None', 'SUN')[0][:3] for t in self.timeET]).T # 67P seen by the Sun in J2000 self.ephem_Ear_Sun_J2000 = np.array([spice.spkezr('EARTH', t, 'J2000', 'None', 'SUN')[0][:3] for t in self.timeET]).T # 67P seen by the Sun in J2000 self.ephem_Mar_Sun_J2000 = np.array([spice.spkezr('MARS', t, 'J2000', 'None', 'SUN')[0][:3] for t in self.timeET]).T # 67P seen by the Sun in J2000
[docs] def initEphemCSO(self): r''' Initialize ephemeris in CSO centered on 67P, according to ICASPICEData.timeDt . ''' self.timeET = self.dtToET(self.timeDt) self.ephem_Ros_Chu_CSO = np.array([spice.spkezr('-226', t, '67P/C-G_CSO', 'None', '1000012')[0][:3] for t in self.timeET]).T # SC seen by the nucleus in CSO self.ephem_Sun_Chu_CSO = np.array([spice.spkezr('SUN', t, '67P/C-G_CSO', 'None', '1000012')[0][:3] for t in self.timeET]).T # Sun seen by the nucleus in CSO (check) self.radLonLat_CSO = np.array([spice.reclat(v) for v in self.ephem_Ros_Chu_CSO.T]).T
[docs] def initEphemCSEQ(self): r''' Initialize ephemeris in CSEQ centered on 67P, according to ICASPICEData.timeDt. ''' self.timeET = self.dtToET(self.timeDt) self.ephem_Ros_Chu_CSEQ = np.array([spice.spkezr('-226', t, '67P/C-G_CSEQ', 'None', '1000012')[0][:3] for t in self.timeET]).T # SC seen by the nucleus in CSEQ self.radLonLat_CSEQ = np.array([spice.reclat(v) for v in self.ephem_Ros_Chu_CSEQ.T]).T
[docs] def initEphemCK(self): r''' Initialize ephemeris in 67P/C-G_CK centered on 67P, according to ICASPICEData.timeDt. ''' self.timeET = self.dtToET(self.timeDt) self.ephem_Ros_Chu_CK = np.array([spice.spkezr('-226', t, '67P/C-G_CK', 'None', '1000012')[0][:3] for t in self.timeET]).T # SC seen by the nucleus in CK self.radLonLat_CK = np.array([spice.reclat(v) for v in self.ephem_Ros_Chu_CK.T]).T
[docs] def initRotateCSEQ(self): r''' Initialize rotation matrices, according to ICASPICEData.timeDt: 'ROS_RPC_ICA' <-> '67P/C-G_CSEQ' 'ROS_SPACECRAFT' <-> '67P/C-G_CSEQ' 'ROS_SPACECRAFT' -> 'ROS_SA-Y' ''' self.timeET = self.dtToET(self.timeDt)# From CSEQ to ICA, WARNING, see Bernhart document. self.rotate_CSEQ_ICA = np.array([spice.pxform('67P/C-G_CSEQ', 'ROS_RPC_ICA', t) for t in self.timeET]) ## From ICA to CSEQ, WARNING, see Bernhart document. self.rotate_ICA_CSEQ = np.array([spice.pxform('ROS_RPC_ICA', '67P/C-G_CSEQ', t) for t in self.timeET]) ## From CSEq to ICA. # self.rotate_CSEQ_SC = np.array( [spice.pxform('67P/C-G_CSEQ', 'ROS_SPACECRAFT', self.dtToET(t)) for t in self.timeDt] ) ## From CSEQ to SC. # self.rotate_SC_CSEQ = np.array( [spice.pxform('ROS_SPACECRAFT', '67P/C-G_CSEQ', self.dtToET(t)) for t in self.timeDt] ) ## From SC to CSEQ. self.phySA = np.array([np.arccos(np.array(spice.pxform('ROS_SPACECRAFT', 'ROS_SA-Y', self.dtToET(t)))[0, 0] * -1) for t in self.timeDt])
# self.phySA = np.zeros(self.timeDt.size)
[docs] def initRotateCK(self): r''' Initialize rotation matrices, according to ICASPICEData.timeDt: 'ROS_RPC_ICA' <-> '67P/C-G_CK' 'ROS_SPACECRAFT' -> 'ROS_SA-Y' ''' self.timeET = self.dtToET(self.timeDt)# From CSEQ to ICA, WARNING, see Bernhart document. self.rotate_CK_ICA = np.array([spice.pxform('67P/C-G_CK', 'ROS_RPC_ICA', t) for t in self.timeET]) ## From ICA to CK, WARNING, see Bernhart document. self.rotate_ICA_FIXED = np.array([spice.pxform('ROS_RPC_ICA', '67P/C-G_CK', t) for t in self.timeET]) ## From CK to ICA. self.phySA = np.array([np.arccos(np.array(spice.pxform('ROS_SPACECRAFT', 'ROS_SA-Y', self.dtToET(t)))[0, 0] * -1) for t in self.timeDt])
# self.phySA = np.zeros(self.timeDt.size)
[docs] def initSunCometDirection(self): r''' Initialize direction of the Sun and the nucleus in ICA reference frame, according to ICASPICEData.timeDt. ''' self.timeET = self.dtToET(self.timeDt) # Sun in ICA reference frame seen by SC. self.sunDirection_ICA = np.array([spice.spkezr('SUN', t, 'ROS_RPC_ICA', 'None', '-226')[0][0:3] for t in self.timeET]).T # self.sunDirection_CSEQ = np.array([spice.spkezr( 'SUN', t, # '67P/C-G_CSEQ', 'None', '-226')[0][0:3] for t in self.timeET]).T ## # Check.. self.sunAzim, self.sunElev = self.vec2ang(self.sunDirection_ICA.copy()) # Comet in ICA reference frame seen by SC. self.cometDirection_ICA = np.array([spice.spkezr('1000012', t, 'ROS_RPC_ICA', 'None', '-226')[0][0:3] for t in self.timeET]).T # Comet in CSEq seen by spacecraft. self.cometDirection_CSEQ = np.array([spice.spkezr('1000012', t, '67P/C-G_CSEQ', 'None', '-226')[0][0:3] for t in self.timeET]).T self.cometAzim, self.cometElev = self.vec2ang(self.cometDirection_ICA.copy())
[docs] def changeFrame_ICA_to_CSEQ(self, v): r''' Rotate vector v from ICA frame to CSEQ frame. v.shape = 3 x n ''' return np.array([, v[:, i]) for i, M in enumerate(self.rotate_ICA_CSEQ)]).T
[docs] def vec2ang(self, v): ''' From a vector or an array of vector to (azim,elev) angles. v.shape = 3xN''' v /= icaT.norm(v) elev = np.arcsin(v[2]) azim = np.arccos(v[0] / np.cos(elev)) azim[v[1] < 0] = 2 * np.pi - azim[v[1] < 0] return azim, elev
[docs] def dtToET(self, t): if type(t) is datetime.datetime: return spice.str2et(t.strftime('%FT%T')) elif type(t) is np.ndarray: return np.fromiter(map(lambda x: spice.str2et(x.strftime('%FT%T')), t), dtype=float)
[docs] def ordinalToET(self, t): return spice.str2et(num2date(t).strftime('%FT%T'))