VEX (and MEX) ELS matlab data format

VEX (and MEX) ELS matlab formatted database is generated regularly at by the user of aspera-data.

The original database location is /venus/elsdata irfpy start to supporting the database access (2011-06-29: now undergoing). The implementation will be in irfpy.vels.scidata.

The format was defined by (probably) HerbertG. I have not contributed for definition of the format.

Below a simple description of data format is described, but this is no guarantee. The analysis routine can be found at vels_matlab_analysis script.

ELS data types

ELS data has two different types. Here I refer them to count data and level data.

The count data is for science and the level data is for HV monitoring.

In 32 second, 7 continuous count data and 1 level data is sent.

Matlab keys

Matlab file is loaded as a dictionary in python. There are several keys for matlab data dictionary.

Here is a list of keys and its typical shapes.

__globals__     #       []
__header__      #       MATLAB 5.0 MAT-file, Platform: GLNXA64, Created on: Sun Oct  5 10:41:05 2008
__version__     #       1.0

elstimes        #       (1, Nc)
elssectors      #       (1, 16)
elsmatrix       #       (128, 16, Nc)

elsleveltimes   #       (1, Nl)
elslevels       #       (128, Nl)
elsdeltatimes   #       (128, Nl)

Here Nl refers to the number of level data and Nc refers to the number of count data.


ELS time in the Matlab format. To convert it to python datatime.datetime instance, you can use irfpy.util.utc.mat2dt() method. Note that according to scipy version, it may be returned as a shape of (Nc, ). Thus, it is recommended to use .flatten() method to avoid unexpected error.


This may be the sector looking up table for the dataset. As this is only 1 elements, I am not sure what happens if the mode (anode compression) changed.


ELS count rate data. From high energy to low energy. Thus, the order of the index differs from the bible modules like For irfpy.vels.scidata should absorb the difference.


This should be carefully checked.


The start time of the ELS level data. It starts the same time of the 7-consequtive count data.

Time:           --+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+--
elstimes:         ^   ^       ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^       ^   ^   ^   ^
elsleveltimes:                ^                               ^


ELS HV TM monitor(?) value, I think. There is (128, Nl) element that means that you can calculate the energy step’s real energy more precisely using module.


I am not sure but most probably the time difference from the elsleveltimes and the time of each component of elslevels.