.. _quickinstall: ============= Quick install ============= Install Anaconda python ======================= ``irfpy`` is optimally designed under Anaconda Python package running on MacOSX or Linux. .. warning:: Definitivaly ``irfpy`` works with any python packages, but ``irfpy`` development team cannot support installation and setup to such packages (as long as Anaconda Python is working). .. warning:: So far ``irfpy`` development team does not have resources to support Windows. However, it looks working with the Windows / Anaconda environment so that any bug reports are welcome. Install Anaconda Python following the instruction https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/install/ Install & Upgrade ``irfpy.aspera`` ================================================================ Installation is simple enough, using pip, the python package manager. .. code-block:: sh conda install -c conda-forge netcdf4 conda install -c conda-forge spiceypy # pip install spiceypy # If the above does not work. pip install --no-index --find-links=https://irfpy.irf.se/sdist irfpy.util -U pip install --no-index --find-links=https://irfpy.irf.se/sdist irfpy.planets -U pip install --no-index --find-links=https://irfpy.irf.se/sdist irfpy.spice -U pip install --no-index --find-links=https://irfpy.irf.se/sdist irfpy.aspera -U The same command above will upgrade your irfpy system to the up-to-date version. .. note:: From 2019-09-23 (4.3.13a3), another experimental way of installation was supported. .. code-block:: sh export PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL=https://irfpy.irf.se/simple # You can put this into .bashrc, .profile, or .zshrc once conda install -c conda-forge netcdf4 spiceypy pip install irfpy.util irfpy.planets irfpy.spice irfpy.aspera -U Instead of setting PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL environment, you can make ``${HOME}/.pip/pip.conf`` file as follows. :: [global] extra-index-url = https://irfpy.irf.se/simple Installation check ================== .. code-block:: python import irfpy.aspera will give a welcome message. Data files ========== Data files are distributed upon request to the ASPERA team. Send a message to Yoshifumi Futaana at IRF. Configure file ============== A configuration file can be downloaded from https://irfpy.irf.se/projects/aspera/irfpyrc_sample.txt or :download:`sample <../../irfpyrc_sample.txt>`. The downloaded file should be located to your home directory or to your current directory, with the name ``irfpy.rc`` or ``.irfpyrc``. Users usually should change the following entry to point to the actual data allocated. :: [DEFAULT] root = /Volumes/scidata/data/ Also for Windows, the following syntax should work. :: [DEFAULT] root = F:/scidata/data What's next? ============ Tutorial is found at :ref:`tutorial`.