Source code for irfpy.vima.imaextra

'''IMA extra data file access.

See also a tutorial :ref:`ima_extra`.
A demo script to plot E-t diagram in ``vima_demo/``.

IMA extra is a calibrated database that Andrei Fedorov at IRAP prepared.
This module provides the access to the VEX/IMA extra dataset.
The database location should be specified by ``.irfpyrc`` configuration system.


    imaddncbase = /path/to/the/imaextra/database

IMA extra consists of four kinds of dataset.

- IMAPARAM (supported by irfpy)
- IMAEXTRA (supported by irfpy)
- IMAANG (not supported by irfpy yet)
- IMAEXTRALIGHT (not supported by irfpy yet)

The supported datasets are explained in the following.

*IMAPARAM* dataset

Parameter (moment) values that IRAP produced.  It is *not* the official version.

.. warning::

    There is no responsibility at IRF and irfpy develop team,
    as well as ASPERA-4 PI group, for the accuracy of the daset.
    Dataset should be used by the user's responsibility.

    It is strongly recommended to contact to the ASPERA-4 PI team
    for the use of the dataset.

There are eleven data in the IMA parameter database.

- ScanFlag: ?
- Quality_P: ?
- Density_P: Density H+
- Velocity_P: Velocity H+
- Temperature_P: Temperature H+
- EnergyThermal_P: Thermal Energy H+
- Quality_O: ?
- Density_O: Density O+
- Velocity_O: Velocity O+
- Temperature_O: Temperature O+
- EnergyThermal_O: Thermal Energy O+

The simplest way of getting data is using :func:`getImaParam` function.

>>> import datetime
>>> t0 = datetime.datetime(2008, 1, 27, 3, 0, 0)
>>> t1 = datetime.datetime(2008, 1, 27, 3, 10, 0)
>>> ima_parameters = getImaParam(t0, t1)

:attr:`obstime` is a list of the observation time.

>>> print(ima_parameters.obstime)
[datetime.datetime(2008, 1, 27, 3, 0, 18, 779000), datetime.datetime(2008, 1, 27, 3, 3, 30, 875000), datetime.datetime(2008, 1, 27, 3, 6, 42, 875000), datetime.datetime(2008, 1, 27, 3, 9, 54, 812000)]

:attr:`data` is a dictionary of the dataset.

>>> print(['Density_P'])     # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[0.00756063 0.00653219 0.00567522 0.01819916]

*IMAEXTRA* dataset

IMA extra dataset is a separated counts to Proton and Oxygen.
Example of data access follows.

>>> from irfpy.vima import imaextra
>>> import datetime
>>> t0 = datetime.datetime(2011, 11, 5, 6)
>>> t1 = datetime.datetime(2011, 11, 5, 7)
>>> extdata = imaextra.getImaExtra(t0, t1)

You can know the observation start time as

>>> obstime = extdata.getobstime()    # Returns an array
>>> print(obstime[0])
2011-11-05 06:01:48.605000

You can get the proton count spectrum as

>>> proton = extdata.getHpSpec()
>>> print(proton.shape)     # The shape should be (A16, E96, P16, Time)
(16, 96, 16, 19)
>>> print(proton.sum())     # Total counts that owes to Proton is

Also, the oxygen (heavy) count spectrum as

>>> heavy = extdata.getHeavySpec()
>>> print(heavy.shape)     # The shape should be (A16, E96, P16, Time)
(16, 96, 16, 19)
>>> print(heavy.max())     # Maximum counts in the bin that owes to Oxygen (heavy) is

The count that could not be assigned either of proton or oxygen (rest matrix) is

>>> rest = extdata.getRestRm()
>>> print(rest.shape)    # Rest matrix is ordered as (M32, A16, E96, P16, Time)
(32, 16, 96, 16, 19)
>>> print(rest.sum())    # Total counts of rest matrix

*Direct access to the IMA extra data*

You can access the data directly via the attribute :attr:`data`;
while this is not recommended.
Rather, use the access functions as :meth:`getHpSpec` or :meth:`getHeavySpec`.

Nevertheless, the ``data`` is a dictironary, with key and entries as follows

- 'AngTableN': Angular table index. (N,)
- 'ETableN': Energy table index. 0 (ver-1) or 1 (ver-3). (N,)
- 'FracO2': O2+ fraction (TBC). (N, P16, E96)
- 'HeavySpec': Heavy ion spectrum. (N, P16, E96, A16)
- 'HpSpec': Proton ion spectrum. (N, P16, E96, A16)
- 'Pacc': Post acceleration (N,)
- 'RestRm': The rest spectrum. (N, P16, E96, A16, M32)
- 'Time': Time. (N,)

Here *N* is the number of data.

The order in the raw matrix is the "inverted way" as MAEPT order
(MAEPT is the standard order of array for irfpy).

.. warning::

    Again, be careful using the "RAW" data, since the order of the axis of the array is
    different from the irfpy-standard.

Therefore, again and again, it is recommended to use the accessing methods, like
:meth:`ImaExtra.getHpSpec` or similar, since these have the standard MAEPT order.

*The following text is for developers*

>>> vimaddncpath = irfpy.util.irfpyrc.Rc().get('vima', 'imaddncbase')
>>> vimaextrapath = os.path.join(vimaddncpath, 'IMAEXTRA')
>>> vimaparampath = os.path.join(vimaddncpath, 'IMAPARAM')

:func:`getImaExtraFile` and :func:`getImaParamFile` will open the data file.

>>> fe = getImaExtraFile('')
>>> fp = getImaParamFile('')

You may also use the time directly.

>>> fe = getImaExtraFile(t=datetime.datetime(2007, 9, 10, 3, 0))
>>> fp = getImaParamFile(t=datetime.datetime(2008, 1, 27, 3, 0))

Each IMAEXTRA file corresponds to :class:`ImaExtraFile`.
This can be instanced manually, but use
:class:`ImaExtraFileFactory`, which provides accessor and cache to
:class:`ImaExtraFile` object.

>>> fact = ImaExtraFileFactory.createFactory()
>>> iex = fact.getImaExtraFile(os.path.join(vimaextrapath, ''))
>>> print(len(iex.var['Time']))
>>> fact2 = ImaParamFileFactory.createFactory()
>>> ipr = fact2.getImaParamFile(os.path.join(vimaparampath, ''))
>>> print(len(ipr.var['Time']))

The dataset include many files (thus, :class:`ImaExtraFile` objects).
The :class:`ImaExtraDatabase` provides a simple database of the dataset.
This class has functionality converting the time to filename

>>> db = ImaExtraDatabase.createDatabase()
>>> fn = db.get_filename(datetime.datetime(2007, 9, 10, 3, 0))
>>> print(os.path.basename(fn))    # The filename
>>> db2 = ImaParamDatabase.createDatabase()
>>> fn = db2.get_filename(datetime.datetime(2008, 1, 27, 3, 0))
>>> print(os.path.basename(fn))
import os
import datetime
import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import numpy as np

import irfpy.imacommon.imaextra2
from irfpy.imacommon.imaextra2 import ImaDdNcFileFactory, ImaDdNcDatabase

import irfpy.util.irfpyrc
import irfpy.util.timeseriesdb
import irfpy.util.ringcache
from irfpy.util import exception as _ex

[docs]def isdb(): rc = irfpy.util.irfpyrc.Rc() database = rc.get('vima', 'imaddncbase') if database is None: return False if os.path.isdir(database): return True else: return False
[docs]class ImaExtraFile(irfpy.imacommon.imaextra2.ImaExtraFileCommon): ''' An IMA extra file for VEX. IMA extra file class. Usually, you want to instance via :class:`ImaDdNcFileFactory` then caching will be effective. Member of ``dim`` contains the dimension information and ``var`` for variables. ''' def __init__(self, filename, gunzip=True): ''' Open the file and read the data. ''' irfpy.imacommon.imaextra2.ImaExtraFileCommon.__init__(self, filename, gunzip=gunzip)
[docs] def getImaExtra(self): ''' Obtain the :class:`ImaExtra` object in the data file :return: Data :rtype: :class:`ImaExtra` ''' ie = ImaExtra() ie.obstime = self.getobstime() ie.ndat = len(ie.obstime) for k in list([k] = np.array(self.var[k], copy=True) ie.trim_none() return ie
[docs]class ImaParam(irfpy.imacommon.imaextra2.ImaParamCommon): ''' The object stores data of IMA parameter >>> t0 = datetime.datetime(2010, 7, 10, 4, 30) >>> file0 = getImaParamFile(t=t0) >>> ip0 = file0.getImaParam() >>> print(ip0.ndat) 32 >>> t1 = datetime.datetime(2010, 7, 13, 8, 40) >>> file1 = getImaParamFile(t=t1) >>> ip1 = file1.getImaParam() >>> print(ip1.ndat) 37 >>> ip01 = ip0 + ip1 >>> print(['Velocity_P'].shape) (69, 3) >>> ip10 = ip1 + ip0 >>> print(['Velocity_O'].shape) (69, 3) >>> print((['Temperature_P'] ==['Temperature_P']).all()) True >>> print(ip01.obstime == ip10.obstime) True >>> # specifying the same dataset for adding, duplication check works. >>> ip11 = ip1 + ip1 # If you add two identical dataset >>> print(['ScanFlag'].shape) # the result is the same as before. (37,) >>> print(ip1.obstime == ip11.obstime) True ''' data_keys = ['ScanFlag', 'Quality_P', 'Density_P', 'Velocity_P', 'Temperature_P', 'EnergyThermal_P', 'Quality_O', 'Density_O', 'Velocity_O', 'Temperature_O', 'EnergyThermal_O', ] def __init__(self): irfpy.imacommon.imaextra2.ImaParamCommon.__init__(self, self.data_keys) def __add__(self, other): new = ImaParam() new.append(self) new.append(other) return new
[docs]class ImaExtra(irfpy.imacommon.imaextra2.ImaExtraCommon): """ MEX/IMA extra data for a specific time range. This class is for the IMA extra data for a specific time range. It is generally produced by :func:`getImaExtra` or by :func:`iter_imaextra` iterator. See respective functions how to get the data. - :meth:`getHpSpec` for proton spectra - :meth:`getHeavySpec` for heavy spectra - :meth:`getRestRm` for rest matrix - :meth:`getobstime` for observation time """ data_keys = ['AngTableN', 'ETableN', 'FracO2', 'HeavySpec', 'HpSpec', 'Pacc', 'RestRm', 'Time'] def __init__(self): irfpy.imacommon.imaextra2.ImaExtraCommon.__init__(self, self.data_keys) def __add__(self, other): new = ImaExtra() new.append(self) new.append(other) return new def __str__(self): s = "<VEX/IMA extra: With {} data from {} to {}>".format(self.ndat, min(self.obstime), max(self.obstime)) return s
[docs]class ImaParamFile(irfpy.imacommon.imaextra2.ImaParamFileCommon): ''' An IMA param file for VEX. IMA param file class. Usually, you want to instance via :class:`ImaDdNcFileFactory` then caching will be effective. Member of ``dim`` contains the dimension information and ``var`` for variables. ''' def __init__(self, filename, gunzip=True): ''' Open the file and read the data. ''' irfpy.imacommon.imaextra2.ImaParamFileCommon.__init__(self, filename, gunzip=gunzip)
[docs] def getImaParam(self): ''' Obtain the :class:`ImaParam` object ''' ip = ImaParam() ip.obstime = self.getobstime() ip.ndat = len(ip.obstime) for k in list([k] = np.array(self.var[k], copy=True) return ip
[docs]class ImaExtraFileFactory(ImaDdNcFileFactory): __singleton_instance = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): ImaDdNcFileFactory.__init__(self, ImaExtraFile, *args, **kwds)
[docs] @classmethod def createFactory(cls): ''' Return the "master" factory. ''' if cls.__singleton_instance is None: cls.__singleton_instance = ImaExtraFileFactory() return cls.__singleton_instance
[docs] def getImaExtraFile(self, filename, gunzip=True): return self.getDdNcFile(filename, gunzip=gunzip)
[docs]class ImaParamFileFactory(ImaDdNcFileFactory): __singleton_instance = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): ImaDdNcFileFactory.__init__(self, ImaParamFile, *args, **kwds)
[docs] @classmethod def createFactory(cls): ''' Return the "master" factory. ''' if cls.__singleton_instance is None: cls.__singleton_instance = ImaParamFileFactory() return cls.__singleton_instance
[docs] def getImaParamFile(self, filename, gunzip=True): return self.getDdNcFile(filename, gunzip=gunzip)
[docs]class ImaExtraDatabase(ImaDdNcDatabase): ''' >>> db = ImaExtraDatabase.createDatabase() >>> t = datetime.datetime(2007, 9, 10, 3, 0) >>> print(os.path.basename(db.get_filename(t))) ''' __singleton_instance = None def __init__(self, database=None): if database is None: rc = irfpy.util.irfpyrc.Rc() database = rc.get('vima', 'imaddncbase') database = os.path.join(database, 'IMAEXTRA') ImaDdNcDatabase.__init__(self, database, 'imaextra', ImaExtraFileFactory())
[docs] @classmethod def createDatabase(cls, refresh=False): ''' Create the database. ''' if cls.__singleton_instance is None or refresh: cls.__singleton_instance = ImaExtraDatabase() return cls.__singleton_instance
[docs]class ImaParamDatabase(ImaDdNcDatabase): __singleton_instance = None def __init__(self, database=None): if database is None: rc = irfpy.util.irfpyrc.Rc() database = rc.get('vima', 'imaddncbase') database = os.path.join(database, 'IMAPARAM') ImaDdNcDatabase.__init__(self, database, 'imaparam', ImaParamFileFactory())
[docs] @classmethod def createDatabase(cls, refresh=False): ''' Create the database. ''' if cls.__singleton_instance is None or refresh: cls.__singleton_instance = ImaParamDatabase() return cls.__singleton_instance
[docs]def getImaExtraFile(filename=None, t=None, gunzip=True): ''' An easy accessor to ImaExtraFile getter. With a support of cache (:class:`ImaExtraFileFactory`), an optimized ImaExtraFile getter. ''' if filename is not None: try: return ImaExtraFileFactory.createFactory().getImaExtraFile(filename, gunzip=gunzip) except IOError as e: logger = logging.getLogger('getImaExtraFile') logger.warning('No file found %s.' % filename) rc = irfpy.util.irfpyrc.Rc() dbpath = rc.get('vima', 'imaddncbase') filename = os.path.join(dbpath, 'IMAEXTRA', filename) logger.warning('Try %s now.' % filename) return ImaExtraFileFactory.createFactory().getImaExtraFile(filename, gunzip=gunzip) elif t is not None: db = ImaExtraDatabase.createDatabase() filename = db.get_filename(t) return ImaExtraFileFactory.createFactory().getImaExtraFile(filename, gunzip=gunzip) else: raise ValueError('Either ``filename`` or ``t`` should be specified')
[docs]def getImaParamFile(filename=None, t=None, gunzip=True): ''' Get the IMA parameter in a form of :class:`ImaParam` object. It is a user function, but slightly low-level. High level functions are to be made .. todo Create a high-level user function that returns IMA parameter in a simple way :param t0: Time to start :param t1: Time to end :returns: IMA parameter object :rtype: :class:`ImaParam` >>> imaParam = getImaParam(datetime.datetime(2011, 11, 5, 6), datetime.datetime(2011, 11, 5, 8)) ''' if filename is not None: try: return ImaParamFileFactory.createFactory().getImaParamFile(filename, gunzip=gunzip) except IOError as e: logger = logging.getLogger('getImaParamFile') logger.warning('No file found %s.' % filename) rc = irfpy.util.irfpyrc.Rc() dbpath = rc.get('vima', 'imaddncbase') filename = os.path.join(dbpath, 'IMAPARAM', filename) logger.warning('Try %s now.' % filename) return ImaParamFileFactory.createFactory().getImaParamFile(filename, gunzip=gunzip) elif t is not None: db = ImaParamDatabase.createDatabase() filename = db.get_filename(t) return ImaParamFileFactory.createFactory().getImaParamFile(filename, gunzip=gunzip) else: raise ValueError('Either ``filename`` or ``t`` should be specified')
[docs]def getImaParam(t0, t1): ''' Return the :class:`ImaParam` object. :param t0: Time to start :param t1: Time to end :returns: IMA parameter object :rtype: :class:`ImaParam` ''' db = ImaParamDatabase.createDatabase() # Data base for IMA parameter files if len(db) == 0: raise _ex.IrfpyException('Data file not found. Check the setup (e.g., .irfpyrc, or the data file)') fns = db.get_filenames(t0, t1) # Return the file name covering t0 to t1. _logger.debug('Number of file: {}'.format(len(fns))) ip = ImaParam() imaparam_reader = lambda filename: ImaParamFileFactory.createFactory().getImaParamFile(fn).getImaParam() for fn in fns: _logger.debug('Start reading file ({})'.format(fn)) from irfpy.util import filepairv import irfpy.vima iprm = filepairv.filepair(fn, fn + '.filepair.gz', converter=imaparam_reader, version=irfpy.vima.__version__) # iprm = ImaParamFileFactory.createFactory().getImaParamFile(fn).getImaParam() _logger.debug('Finish reading file ({}). Data length={}'.format(fn, iprm.ndat)) ip.append(iprm) ip.trim(t0, t1) return ip
[docs]def getImaExtra(t0, t1): ''' Get the IMA extra data in a form of TBD :param t0: Time to start :param t1: Time to end :return: IMA extra object :rtype: :class:`ImaExtra` >>> imaExtra = getImaExtra(datetime.datetime(2011, 11, 5, 6), datetime.datetime(2011, 11, 6, 8)) >>> t = imaExtra.obstime >>> print(len(t)) 123 >>> hp = imaExtra.getHpSpec() >>> print(hp.shape) (16, 96, 16, 123) >>> print(hp.max()) 25832.723 >>> op = imaExtra.getHeavySpec() >>> print(op.shape) (16, 96, 16, 123) >>> print(op.max()) 9019.518 ''' db = ImaExtraDatabase.createDatabase() # Create a database for IMA extra files. if len(db) == 0: raise _ex.IrfpyException('Data file not found. Check the setup (e.g., .irfpyrc, or the data file)') fns = db.get_filenames(t0, t1) # Return the file names to read ie = ImaExtra() for fn in fns: ierm = ImaExtraFileFactory.createFactory().getImaExtraFile(fn).getImaExtra() ie.append(ierm) ie.trim(t0, t1) return ie
[docs]class iterparam: """ Iterate the IMA parameter file. Iterated is a list of ``(t, dat)`` were ``t`` is the time of the observation start, and ``dat`` is a dictionary that contains the data. The key of ``dat`` is :attr:`ImaParam.data_keys`. The ``dat`` is *not* a :class:`ImaParam` object, but rather, :attr:`` data. :param t0: Time to start. Iterated data's start time is always later than or equal to t0. :param t1: Time to stop. Iterated data's stop time is always earlier than or equal to t1. :returns: A list, ``(t, dat)``. ``t`` is time, and ``dat`` is a dictionary containing the IMAPARAM data. Its key is :attr:`ImaParam.data_keys`. :rtype: ``list`` of (``datetime.datetime``, ``dict``) If you want to iterate data from 2011-11-05T05:15 for 10 minutes, you can do as follows: >>> t0 = datetime.datetime(2011, 11, 5, 5, 15) >>> t1 = datetime.datetime(2011, 11, 5, 5, 25) >>> for t, mom in iterparam(t0, t1): ... print(t, mom['Density_P']) 2011-11-05 05:17:00.200000 9.732157 2011-11-05 05:20:12.262000 11.949523 2011-11-05 05:23:24.262000 10.680418 """ data_keys = ImaParam.data_keys """ Key of the data """ _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.iterparam') def __init__(self, t0, t1): self.t0 = t0 self.t1 = t1 db = ImaParamDatabase.createDatabase() # Create a database for IMA extra files. if len(db) == 0: raise _ex.IrfpyException('Data file not found. Check the setup (e.g., .irfpyrc, or the data file)') self.filename_list = db.get_filenames(self.t0, self.t1) # Return the file names to read self.current_file_contents = None self.current_file_position = -1 self.current_obstime = self.t0 def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): while len(self.filename_list) > 0: self._logger.debug('Remained files = {}'.format(len(self.filename_list))) self._logger.debug('The target file = {}'.format(self.filename_list[0])) # If current file contents are not loaded if self.current_file_contents is None: self._logger.debug('No file contents have been loaded. Start to load') self.current_file_contents = getImaParamFile(filename=self.filename_list[0]).getImaParam() self.current_file_position = -1 ## HERE YOU SHOULD PUT if FAILED! self._logger.debug('File contents read finished.') # You proceed 1 data, and return. self._logger.debug('Progress 1 data') self.current_file_position += 1 try: self._logger.debug('Get the time the loaded contents') t = self.current_file_contents.obstime[self.current_file_position] self._logger.debug('Finish time list: Result {}'.format(t)) if t <= self.current_obstime: self._logger.debug('The obtainted time is not appropriate. Skip this') continue if t > self.t1: self._logger.debug('The obtainted time is past the required range. Stop iteration') raise StopIteration() self._logger.debug('Start loading the IMA param file.') dat = self.current_file_contents self._logger.debug('Finished.') self._logger.debug('Preparation of the returned data') dat2 = {} for k in self.data_keys: dat2[k] =[k][self.current_file_position] self._logger.debug('Finish preparation') self.current_obstime = t return t, dat2 except IndexError: self._logger.debug('Whole the data is returned. Go next file') self.filename_list.pop(0) # Remove the current file self.current_file_contents = None self.current_file_position = -1 raise StopIteration()
[docs]class iter_imaextra: """ Iterate the IMA extra data. Iterate the IMA extra data, as a tuple of ``(time, data)``. Here data is an object of :class:`ImaExtra`. >>> t0 = datetime.datetime(2011, 11, 5, 5, 15) >>> t1 = datetime.datetime(2011, 11, 5, 5, 25) >>> for t, ext in iter_imaextra(t0, t1): ... print(t, ext.getHpSpec().shape, ext.getHeavySpec().max()) 2011-11-05 05:17:00.200000 (16, 96, 16, 1) 7.0941877 2011-11-05 05:20:12.262000 (16, 96, 16, 1) 1.4826224 2011-11-05 05:23:24.262000 (16, 96, 16, 1) 0.0 """ data_keys = ImaExtra.data_keys _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.iter_imaextra') def __init__(self, t0, t1): self.t0 = t0 self.t1 = t1 db = ImaExtraDatabase.createDatabase() # Create a database for IMA extra files. if len(db) == 0: raise _ex.IrfpyException('Data file not found. Check the setup (e.g., .irfpyrc, or the data file)') self.filename_list = db.get_filenames(self.t0, self.t1) # Return the file names to read self.current_file_contents = None self.current_file_position = -1 self.current_obstime = self.t0 def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): while len(self.filename_list) > 0: self._logger.debug('Remained files = {}'.format(len(self.filename_list))) self._logger.debug('The target file = {}'.format(self.filename_list[0])) # If current file contents are not loaded if self.current_file_contents is None: self._logger.debug('No file contents have been loaded. Start to load') self.current_file_contents = getImaExtraFile(filename=self.filename_list[0]).getImaExtra() self.current_file_position = -1 ## HERE YOU SHOULD PUT if FAILED! self._logger.debug('File contents read finished.') # You proceed 1 data, and return. self._logger.debug('Progress 1 data') self.current_file_position += 1 try: self._logger.debug('Get the time the loaded contents') t = self.current_file_contents.obstime[self.current_file_position] self._logger.debug('Finish time list: Result {}'.format(t)) if t <= self.current_obstime: self._logger.debug('The obtainted time is not appropriate. Skip this') continue if t > self.t1: self._logger.debug('The obtainted time is past the required range. Stop iteration') raise StopIteration() self._logger.debug('Start loading the IMA extra file.') dat = self.current_file_contents import copy as _copy dat2 = _copy.deepcopy(dat) dat2.trim(t - datetime.timedelta(seconds=1), t + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)) self._logger.debug('Finished.') self.current_obstime = t return t, dat2 except IndexError: self._logger.debug('Whole the data is returned. Go next file') self.filename_list.pop(0) # Remove the current file self.current_file_contents = None self.current_file_position = -1 raise StopIteration()
class _iterextra: data_keys = ImaExtra.data_keys """ Key of the data """ _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.iterextra') def __init__(self, t0, t1): self.t0 = t0 self.t1 = t1 db = ImaExtraDatabase.createDatabase() # Create a database for IMA extra files. self.filename_list = db.get_filenames(self.t0, self.t1) # Return the file names to read self.current_file_contents = None self.current_file_position = -1 self.current_obstime = self.t0 def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): while len(self.filename_list) > 0: self._logger.debug('Remained files = {}'.format(len(self.filename_list))) self._logger.debug('The target file = {}'.format(self.filename_list[0])) # If current file contents are not loaded if self.current_file_contents is None: self._logger.debug('No file contents have been loaded. Start to load') self.current_file_contents = getImaExtraFile(filename=self.filename_list[0]).getImaExtra() self.current_file_position = -1 ## HERE YOU SHOULD PUT if FAILED! self._logger.debug('File contents read finished.') # You proceed 1 data, and return. self._logger.debug('Progress 1 data') self.current_file_position += 1 try: self._logger.debug('Get the time the loaded contents') t = self.current_file_contents.obstime[self.current_file_position] self._logger.debug('Finish time list: Result {}'.format(t)) if t <= self.current_obstime: self._logger.debug('The obtainted time is not appropriate. Skip this') continue if t > self.t1: self._logger.debug('The obtainted time is past the required range. Stop iteration') raise StopIteration() self._logger.debug('Start loading the IMA extra file.') dat = self.current_file_contents self._logger.debug('Finished.') self._logger.debug('Preparation of the returned data') dat2 = {} for k in self.data_keys: dat2[k] =[k][self.current_file_position] self._logger.debug('Finish preparation') self.current_obstime = t return t, dat2 except IndexError: self._logger.debug('Whole the data is returned. Go next file') self.filename_list.pop(0) # Remove the current file self.current_file_contents = None self.current_file_position = -1 raise StopIteration()
[docs]class iterextra(_iterextra): """ Iterate the IMA extra data. .. deprecated:: v4.3.10 (TBD) Use :class:`iter_imaextra`. Iterated is a list of ``(t, dat)`` where ``t`` is the time of the observation start, and ``dat`` is a dictionary that contains the data. The key of the ``dat`` is :attr:`data_keys`. It is *not* the :class:`ImaExtra` object. :param t0: Time to start. Iterated data's start time is always later than or equal to t0. :param t1: Time to stop. Iterated data's start time is always earlier than or equal to t1. :returns: A list, ``(t, dat)``. ``t`` is time, and ``dat`` is a dictionary containing the IMAEXTRA data. Its key is :attr:`ImaExtra.data_keys`. :rtype: ``list`` of (``datetime.datetime``, ``dict``) >>> t0 = datetime.datetime(2011, 11, 5, 7) >>> t1 = datetime.datetime(2011, 11, 5, 8) >>> for t, dat in iterextra(t0, t1): # Iterate over the time t0 and t1. ... print(t, dat['RestRm'].sum()) # Output time and the total counts in 'RestRm' data. # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 2011-11-05 07:02:37.043000 70305.94 2011-11-05 07:05:49.138000 105089.24 2011-11-05 07:09:01.107000 49731.812 ... 2011-11-05 07:53:49.543000 3901.1763 2011-11-05 07:57:01.513000 6311.3394 """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): import warnings as _warnings _warnings.warn("``irfpy.vima.imaextra.iterextra`` is deprecated. Use ``irfpy.vima.imaextra.iter_imaextra`` for iterating the ImaExrta data.", DeprecationWarning) _iterextra.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)