Source code for irfpy.mima.irfmom

""" IRF version (official version) of moment file reader.

Prepare the data file (contact to Futaana).

Setup ``.irfpyrc``.


    moment_scan = /path/to/data/file

    > from irfpy.mima import irfmom
    > import datetime
    > t0 = datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1)
    > t1 = datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 2)
    > ns, vs, kTs, fs = irfmom.get_moment_data(t0, t1)
    > tlist, nlist = ns.get_data()
    > print(tlist[0])
    2010-01-01 15:52:20
    > print(nlist[0])

.. todo::

    Implement higher-level user interface.

.. todo::

    Test is disabled so far. This is because of the data retrieval system related issue.
    (Quick & Dirty implementation here!)

import dateutil.parser

from irfpy.util.irfpyrc import Rc as _Rc
from irfpy.util.timeseries import ScalarSeries as _ScalarSeries

[docs]class MomentFile: """ Represent a moment file, i.e. MomentsScan.ascii It is for backend, which does not concern to users. > mf = MomentFile() """ def __init__(self): rc = _Rc(raises=True) self.filename = rc.get('mima', 'moment_scan') self.version, = self._load_file(self.filename) @classmethod def _load_file(cls, filename): """ Loading the file, store as four time series array. """ version = 'unknown' tlist = [] nlist = [] vlist = [] kTlist = [] flist = [] with open(filename) as fp: for line in fp: ### This takes >10 s. Probably good to optimize. TODO: Optimization if line.find('Version') != -1: version = line.strip().split()[-1] if line.startswith('%'): continue tokens = line.split() if len(tokens) != 5: continue t = dateutil.parser.parse(tokens[0]).replace(tzinfo=None) n = float(tokens[1]) v = float(tokens[2]) kT = float(tokens[3]) f = int(tokens[4]) tlist.append(t) nlist.append(n) vlist.append(v) kTlist.append(kT) flist.append(f) data = (_ScalarSeries(tlist, nlist), _ScalarSeries(tlist, vlist), _ScalarSeries(tlist, kTlist), _ScalarSeries(tlist, flist)) return version, data
[docs] def get_data(self, t0, t1): """ Get the data between t0 and t1. """ return tuple([[i].clipped(t0, t1) for i in range(4)])
def __str__(self): s = "<irfpy.mima.irfmom.MomentFile: filename={} version={} ndata={}>".format(self.filename, self.version, len([0])) return s
_default_momfile = None
[docs]def get_moment_data(t0, t1): """ Return the moment data. :returns: The moment data, as a tuple of four :class:`irfpy.util.timeseries.ScalarSeries` objects (``density``, ``speed``, ``temperature``, ``flag``). """ global _default_momfile if _default_momfile is None: _default_momfile = MomentFile() return _default_momfile.get_data(t0, t1)
[docs]def get_moment_array(t0, t1): """ Return the moment data as a numpy array. :returns: The moment data as a numpy array The data is organized as (N, 5) shaped array where N is the number of data. The five column is, time (in floating point time format of matplotlib), density, speed, temperature, and flag. """ raise NotImplementedError('TBI')