Source code for irfpy.mels.rawdata

""" MEX/ELS with the data center support.

A data access to MEX/ELS using the DataCenter approach.

*How to read the data?*

First, prepare the data center

>>> from irfpy.mels import rawdata
>>> dc = rawdata.DataCenterElsCounts()

Specify the time range

>>> import datetime
>>> t0 = datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 19, 17, 54, 55)
>>> t1 = datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 19, 19, 8)

Get the data as two arrays. First for the start time of the session, and the latter for the data.

>>> time_array, data_array = dc.get_array(t0, t1)
>>> print(len(data_array))
>>> print(time_array[0])
2014-10-19 17:54:55.271000
>>> print(data_array[0].shape)
(128, 16)
>>> print(data_array[0].max())

For practical use, you may create a new numpy array as follows:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> data_array = np.array(data_array)
>>> print(data_array.shape)
(954, 128, 16)

from irfpy.util import datacenter as _datacenter
from irfpy.util import irfpyrc as _irfpyrc
import os as _os
import irfpy.util.exception as _ex

import logging as _logging
import datetime as _datetime

[docs]class DataCenterElsCounts(_datacenter.BaseDataCenter): """ MEX/ELS count rate data center. The returned data is in numpy array with a shape of (E128, A16). (TBC; What if other mode??) >>> from irfpy.mels import rawdata >>> import datetime >>> t0 = datetime.datetime(2010, 10, 30, 23, 15) >>> mels_datacenter = rawdata.DataCenterElsCounts() >>> tobs, cnts = mels_datacenter.nearest(t0) >>> print(tobs, cnts.shape, cnts.max()) 2010-10-30 23:15:01.803000 (128, 16) 9 """ def __init__(self): _datacenter.BaseDataCenter.__init__(self)
[docs] def search_files(self): rc = _irfpyrc.Rc() basepath = rc.get('mels', 'elsmatbase') if not _os.path.exists(basepath): msg = 'The path {} not found in ELS data center.'.format(basepath) raise _ex.IrfpyException(msg) filelist = [] for pp, dd, ff in _os.walk(basepath): for f in ff: pp_split = _os.path.split(pp) bf = _os.path.basename(f) if len(bf) != 18: continue if not f.startswith(pp_split[-1][-6:]): continue if not f.endswith('.mat'): continue try: int(f[:14]) except ValueError: continue full_f = _os.path.join(pp, f) filelist.append(full_f) return filelist
[docs] def read_file(self, filename): """ Read the file contents. From a given file, electron data is read. The format is in the :class:`irfpy.vels.scidata.ElsCountData` object. """ _logger = _logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) import as _spio try: mat = _spio.loadmat(filename) except IOError as e: emsg = 'Failed to load the matlba file: %s' % filename _logger.error(emsg) _logger.error('... Continue with ignoring the file %s' % filename) return (), () obstime_mat = mat['elstimes'].flatten() # (N,) data from irfpy.util import utc as _utc obstime_dt = [_utc.mat2dt(_t) for _t in obstime_mat] ecnts = mat['elsmatrix'] # 128 x 16 x N # A special case. If the number of data is only one, # the data is stored as in 2-D data! Annoying feature # of the dataset, but need to be checked and handled. if len(obstime_dt) == 1 and ecnts.shape == (128, 16): import numpy as _np ecnts = ecnts[:, :, _np.newaxis] ecnts = list(ecnts.transpose((2, 0, 1))) return (obstime_dt, ecnts)
[docs] def approximate_starttime(self, filename): f = _os.path.basename(filename) yr, mo, dy, hr = int(f[:4]), int(f[4:6]), int(f[6:8]), int(f[8:10]) return _datetime.datetime(yr, mo, dy, hr)