Program and presentations

Last update: 2023-08-30

Presentation guideline

The schedule is relatively flexible, allowing discussion and interaction between the presenter and participants.

  • Each presentation is expected to be about 20 min. We do not have remote sessions.
  • During the presentation, questions and brief discussion from the audience will be accepted.
  • Presentation slides will be collected and shared within the participants. If you include slides that cannot be shared, please prepare a reduced version as well.
  • Authors are encouraged to cover the big picture in addition to their own research. For example,
    • Overview of the field. What are left as the open questions? Why are they important/interesting?
    • What will be the desired next measurements/studies? How do they advance our knowledge?
    • Interdisciplinary aspects. For example, place your study in the context of the plasma-surface-exosphere-dust interaction aspects.
    • Identify links to future lunar/planetary exploration.
    • How can we disseminate our own studies or these fields to the other stakeholders?


Day 0 (2023-09-04, Mon)

Time       Title/Event
14:30 Departure from Kiruna (IRF, airport) to Bjorkliden
17:00 Registration, check in
18:00 Dinner

Day 1 (2023-09-05, Tue)

Time       Title/Event
09:00-09:15 Welcome, practical details, goals of the meeting
09:15-09:45 Science session 1: Current state of the field [Facilitated by Futaana]
09:45-10:30 Science session 2: Space plasma [Facilitated by Barabash]
11:00-12:30 Science session 2: Space plasma [Facilitated by Barabash]
12:30-14:30 Lunch & break
14:30-16:00 Science session 2: Space plasma [Facilitated by Wiliamsson]
16:30-18:00 Science session 2: Space plasma [Facilitated by Holmström]
19:30-20:00 Special talk: "Local history and science" by Mats Holmström
20:00- Dinner

Day 2 (2023-09-06, Wed)

Time       Title/Event
09:00-10:30 Science session 3: Surface charging, plasma interaction, exosphere [Facilitated by Wang]
11:00-12:30 Science session 3: Surface charging, plasma interaction, exosphere [Facilitated by Wang]
12:30-14:30 Lunch & break
13:30- Excursion
20:00- Dinner

Day 3 (2023-09-07, Thu)

Time       Title/Event
09:00-10:30 Science session 4: Energetic plasma [Facilitated by Wittmann]
11:00-12:30 Science session 5: Dust [Facilitated by Wittmann]
12:30-14:30 Lunch & break
14:30-16:00 Science session 6: Future mission, instrument [Facilitated by Shimoyama]
16:30-18:00 Science session 6: Future mission, instrument [Facilitated by Shimoyama] / Free discussion
20:00- Dinner

Day 4 (2023-09-08 Fri)

Time       Title/Event
-09:00 Checkout
09:00-10:30 Science session: Wrap up. Future aspects. What sciences are attractive?
10:30-11:00 LuPIN's future direction. Plan for LuPIN-2
11:00 Departure from Bjorkliden to airport. Lunch box served on bus
13:00 Arrival at airport, IRF

Scientific talks

Science session 1: Current state of the field

Speaker            Title
Stas Barabash The Moon is not boring: exciting plasma physics of the archetype of airless bodies

Science session 2: Space plasma

Speaker            Title
Jasper Halekas Moon-plasma interactions: A solar cycle of observations from THEMIS-ARTEMIS
Yoshifumi Saito Overview of Kaguya plasma science outcome
Iannis Dandouras The Moon in the magnetospheric domains
Shahab Fatemi Lunar magnetic anomaly and its interaction with the solar wind
Dragos Constaninescu Lunar Crust Magnetization near the Schlüter P. Crater
Lianghai Xie The shielding effects of lunar magnetic anomalies and craters on the near-surface space environment
Benjamin Grison Plasma waves at the Moon
Riku Jarvinen Comparative hybrid modeling of airless planetary bodies in the solar wind
Shahab Fatemi Global hybrid simulations of solar wind interaction with the entire lunar crustal fields

Science session 3: Surface charging, plasma interaction, exosphere

Speaker            Title
Yohei Miyake Role of numerical studies in the electrostatics of the Moon
Jan Deca Plasma dynamics near the lunar surface
Martin Wieser Sputtering and scttering from the Moon
Quentin Nénon Space weathering of the lunar surface and polar craters based on ARTEMIS and Wind ion observations
Frederic Allegrini Strofio status and Strofio for the lunar exosphere

Science session 4: Energetic plasma

Speaker            Title
Bob Wimmer-Schweingruber High-energy plasma on and at the Moon: Heliospheric science context
Elias Roussos High energy plasma: Surface interaction
Xin Wu Pix.PAN: versatile instrument for particle environment studies on the lunar surface

Science session 5: Dust

Speaker            Title
Mihaly Horanyi Dust-plasma interaction on the Moon
Patrick Fröhlich Dust environment at the lunar surface

Science session 6: Future mission, instrument

Speaker            Title
Manabu Shimoyama Lunar Neutrals Telescope
Romain Canu-Blot NILS
Iannis Dandouras Space Plasma Physics Science Opportunities for the Lunar Gateway
Stas Barabash The SELMA mission
Yoshifumi Futaana Environment instrumentation on the Moon surface