How to contribute to irfpy

Send message to for any contributions.

Bug report

Please send any error messages with your experience of irfpy.

Provide documents

You have some text to share? It can be merged to the irfpy package.

It can be an update of the existing document.

  • Fix of typo of existing document
  • Fix of grammer of existing document
  • Pointing out the non-running examples
  • Revise of the existing document

Or it can be how to use irfpy.

  • How you use specific function or class
  • Step-by-step description

It maybe a good idea to write your text in a Sphinx compatible way. This means that you are recommended to use the “restructured” markup. More information is available at irfpy and documentation.


But do not aim perfect from the beginning. Yes, it is “Better Than Nothing”.

Provide programs

Contribute scripts or application

Please send the maintenar your code. It is highly recommended to include a text how to run the script or application.

Your code will be merged into the irfpy package after review by the project owner.

Contribute functions, classes, modules

Please send the maintenar your code. It is highly recommended to include a text how to run the script or application.

Your code will be merged into the irfpy package after review by the project owner.